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How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in MA?

Auto insurance protects your vehicle from financial losses it may sustain. An auto insurance policy is a legal requirement in Massachusetts. But do you know how much auto insurance costs in MA? Are you familiar with the factors that can affect your auto insurance premium?

How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in MA?

How much does auto insurance cost in MA?
How much does auto insurance cost in MA?

Auto insurance protects your precious vehicle from financial losses it may sustain due to an accident or theft incident. It is an important consideration for anyone who owns a vehicle, as its main purpose is to protect you financially in the event of an accident or other unexpected event.

An auto insurance policy is a legal requirement in most states of the USA, including Massachusetts, without which you can't legally drive your car on the road. In Massachusetts, car insurance rates can vary depending on a number of factors, including your age, driving record, and the type of car you own.

In this blog post, we'll take a look at the cost of car insurance in Massachusetts compared to other surrounding states and explore some of the factors that can influence your car insurance premiums. You can buy auto insurance from any trusted insurance company to get you and your car the necessary coverage.

But do you know how much auto insurance costs? Are you familiar with the factors that can affect your auto insurance premium? That’s exactly what we will discuss in this article.

What Is The Average Cost Of Auto Insurance?

According to Bankrate (a reliable finance forum), the average rate of a “full-coverage” auto insurance policy is around $1771 a year. Full-coverage means all standard, optional, and mandatory coverages are included in the policy, such as liability coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage.

If you carry the minimum required auto insurance coverage (liability coverage), you may expect to pay around $545 a year. However, insurance companies consider various factors related to your car, coverage needs, and your driving history while determining the actual cost of your auto insurance policy.

The average annual cost of auto insurance varies significantly by state. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average annual premium for auto insurance in the United States is $1,548 approximately. However, this average cost can vary significantly depending on the state you live in.

Here are the average annual premiums for auto insurance in some of the states with the highest and lowest costs:

Highest: Michigan ($2,693), Louisiana ($2,465), and Florida ($2,360)

Lowest: Vermont ($902), Maine ($936), New Hampshire ($938) and Ohio ($982)

It's important to note that these figures are only rough estimates and do not take into account individual factors that can affect your car insurance premiums, such as your age, driving record, and the type of car you own. To get a more accurate idea of the cost of auto insurance in your state, it's best to get quotes from insurance companies and compare your options.

Now let's take a look at how car insurance rates in Massachusetts compare to those in other states in the region.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average annual premium for car insurance in Massachusetts is $1,288, which is less than the national average. This puts Massachusetts in the middle of the pack when it comes to car insurance costs, with rates that are higher than those in some neighboring states but lower than others.

For example, car insurance rates in New Hampshire are significantly lower than those in Massachusetts, with an average annual premium of just $938. This is likely due to the fact that New Hampshire has a more rural population and a lower incidence of traffic accidents, which can both contribute to lower insurance premiums.

In contrast, car insurance rates in Rhode Island are significantly higher than those in Massachusetts, with an average annual premium of $1,738. This is likely due to the higher population density and urbanization in Rhode Island, which can contribute to a higher incidence of traffic accidents and a higher risk of damage to vehicles.

Average Annual Cost of Full-Coverage Auto Insurance In New England


Average Annual Cost



New Hampshire


Rhode Island








Factors Affecting The Cost of Auto Insurance

So what factors influence car insurance rates in Massachusetts? Some of the key factors that can affect your car insurance premiums include your age, driving record, and the type of car you own.

For example, young drivers and drivers with a history of traffic violations may be considered higher risk and may pay higher premiums as a result. Similarly, certain types of vehicles, such as sports cars or luxury vehicles, may be more expensive to insure due to their higher repair and replacement costs.

Other factors that can influence your car insurance premiums in Massachusetts include the type of coverage you choose, the deductibles you select, and any discounts you may be eligible for. For example, choosing higher deductibles can often result in lower premiums, as you are taking on more of the financial risk in the event of an accident.

Similarly, many insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who have a good driving record or who take certain safety measures, such as installing safety devices in their vehicle or taking a defensive driving course.

Other factors include:

• Your residence State.
Although many other factors affect your auto insurance premium, the state where you reside plays a crucial role in determining how much you have to pay to get your car insured. Some states are expensive for car insurance, while others are affordable or cheap.

• Coverage level
The coverages you choose will affect your overall premium rates. For example, if you choose only minimum coverage, like liability insurance, you will have to pay less. On the other hand, if you go for full coverage auto insurance, your premium rates will be higher accordingly.

• Your driving history
Holding a good driving record will act like a golden ticket for you while buying auto insurance. Your insurer will analyze your driving history for the past 3-5 years to check any traffic violations or at-fault accidents you have committed during this period. If you're found to be disciplined in driving, your insurer will offer a discount on auto insurance premiums. 

• Coverage level
The coverages you choose will affect your overall premium rates. For example, if you choose only minimum coverage, like liability insurance, you will have to pay less. On the other hand, if you go for full coverage auto insurance, your premium rates will be higher accordingly.

• Deductible
Auto insurance policies with deductibles are more inexpensive than those without a deductible. A deductible is an amount you’re required to pay out-of-pocket while filing a claim.

• Age, model, and value of your car
Your insurance premiums also depend on the type of car you want to insure. If your car is highly valued, you will likely pay more for auto insurance. Similarly, if your car is the latest model, you'll pay more insurance premiums.

In conclusion, the cost of car insurance in Massachusetts is relatively high compared to some neighboring states, but it is not the highest in the region. There are a number of factors that can influence your car insurance premiums in Massachusetts, including your age, driving record, and the type of car you own. By understanding these factors and shopping around for the best coverage, you can find an affordable car insurance policy that meets your needs.

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